Soaring Wings stewards its resources very carefully and keeps a close eye on home needs and existing inventory on campus. Some larger items become great needs as wear and tear and time take its toll on furniture, vehicles, mowers, etc. Below you will find a list of the items we currently need. As specific items are needed, we will update the list. Thank you for your interest in meeting the needs we have!
Extended families play a vital role in the lives of the children who may not have a family outside of Soaring Wings. These are couples and families in the surrounding communities who have shown an interest in Soaring Wings and in our children. They act as "aunt" and "uncle" for our children and keep them in their homes the last weekend of every month, and a few days over the Christmas holidays.
Extended families also serve as mentors for the children, giving them someone away from Soaring Wings whom they can admire and with whom they can develop a relationship. There is a thorough interview and screening process for all extended families in order to ensure the child's safety.
For more information email us below or call us at (501) 849-2253.
Soaring Wings welcomes both individual and group volunteers who are willing to help with campus maintenance and other projects. There really is something for everyone! Your time and willingness to help are valuable to us. If you or your group is interested in volunteering at Soaring Wings, send us an email to make arrangements for your volunteer time and space.